Public Types | Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
EntityCreationParameters Struct Referencefinal

#include <entitycreationparameters.h>

Public Types

using EntityInstanceByIDMap = std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unique_ptr< EntityInstance > >
using InstanceByIDMap = std::unordered_map< std::string, rtti::Object * >
using EntityInstanceMap = std::unordered_map< Entity *, std::vector< EntityInstance * > >
using ComponentInstanceMap = std::unordered_map< Component *, std::vector< ComponentInstance * > >

Public Member Functions

 EntityCreationParameters (const EntityObjectGraph &objectGraph)
 ~EntityCreationParameters ()

Public Attributes

const EntityObjectGraphmObjectGraph = nullptr
 Object graph of a single root entity and its entire subgraph. More...
EntityInstanceByIDMap mEntityInstancesByID
 Map containing all created entity instances and their generated instance ID. More...
InstanceByIDMap mAllInstancesByID
 Map of both Entity and Component instances and their generated instance ID. More...
EntityInstanceMap mEntityInstanceMap
 Map from Entity resource to a list of instantiated EntityInstances. More...
ComponentInstanceMap mComponentInstanceMap
 Map from Component resource to a list of instantiated ComponentInstances. More...
ClonedComponentResourceListmCurrentEntityClonedComponents = nullptr
 List of cloned components for the current root entity being created. More...
ComponentResourcePath mCurrentEntityPath
 Path in current entity being created. More...


Structure used to hold data necessary to create new instances during init

Collaboration diagram for EntityCreationParameters:

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ComponentInstanceMap

using ComponentInstanceMap = std::unordered_map<Component*, std::vector<ComponentInstance*> >

◆ EntityInstanceByIDMap

using EntityInstanceByIDMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<EntityInstance> >

◆ EntityInstanceMap

using EntityInstanceMap = std::unordered_map<Entity*, std::vector<EntityInstance*> >

◆ InstanceByIDMap

using InstanceByIDMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, rtti::Object*>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ EntityCreationParameters()

EntityCreationParameters ( const EntityObjectGraph objectGraph)

◆ ~EntityCreationParameters()

Member Data Documentation

◆ mAllInstancesByID

InstanceByIDMap mAllInstancesByID

Map of both Entity and Component instances and their generated instance ID.

◆ mComponentInstanceMap

ComponentInstanceMap mComponentInstanceMap

Map from Component resource to a list of instantiated ComponentInstances.

◆ mCurrentEntityClonedComponents

ClonedComponentResourceList* mCurrentEntityClonedComponents = nullptr

List of cloned components for the current root entity being created.

◆ mCurrentEntityPath

ComponentResourcePath mCurrentEntityPath

Path in current entity being created.

◆ mEntityInstanceMap

EntityInstanceMap mEntityInstanceMap

Map from Entity resource to a list of instantiated EntityInstances.

◆ mEntityInstancesByID

EntityInstanceByIDMap mEntityInstancesByID

Map containing all created entity instances and their generated instance ID.

◆ mObjectGraph

const EntityObjectGraph* mObjectGraph = nullptr

Object graph of a single root entity and its entire subgraph.