Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
nap::rtti Namespace Reference




class  BinaryWriter
class  DefaultLinkResolver
struct  DeserializeResult
class  Factory
struct  FileLink
class  IObjectCreator
class  JSONWriter
class  LinkResolver
class  Object
class  ObjectCreator
struct  ObjectLink
class  ObjectPtr
class  ObjectPtrBase
class  ObjectPtrManager
class  Path
class  PathElement
struct  ReadState
class  ResolvedPath
class  ResolvedRTTIPathElement
struct  UnresolvedPointer
class  Writer


using OwnedObjectList = std::vector< std::unique_ptr< rtti::Object > >
using ObservedObjectList = std::vector< rtti::Object * >
using ObjectList = std::vector< Object * >
using ObjectSet = std::unordered_set< Object * >
using TypeInfo = rttr::type
using Enum = rttr::enumeration
using Property = rttr::property
using Variant = rttr::variant
using Instance = rttr::instance
using VariantArray = rttr::variant_array_view
using VariantMap = rttr::variant_associative_view
using UnresolvedPointerList = std::vector< UnresolvedPointer >


enum  EPropertyValidationMode : uint8_t { DisallowMissingProperties, AllowMissingProperties }
enum  EPointerPropertyMode : uint8_t { NoRawPointers, OnlyRawPointers, AllPointerTypes }
enum  EPropertyMetaData : uint8_t {
  Default = 0, Required = 1, FileLink = 2, Embedded = 4,
  ReadOnly = 8
enum  EPropertyFileType : uint8_t {
  Any = 0, Image = 1, FragShader = 2, VertShader = 3,
  ComputeShader = 4, Python = 5, Mesh = 6, Video = 7,
  ImageSequence = 8, Audio = 9, Font = 10
enum  ETypeCheck : uint8_t { EXACT_MATCH, IS_DERIVED_FROM }


bool NAPAPI checkBinaryVersion (const std::string &path)
bool NAPAPI deserializeBinary (utility::MemoryStream &stream, Factory &factory, DeserializeResult &result, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
bool NAPAPI readBinary (const std::string &path, Factory &factory, DeserializeResult &result, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
bool NAPAPI deserializeJSON (const std::string &json, EPropertyValidationMode propertyValidationMode, EPointerPropertyMode pointerPropertyMode, Factory &factory, DeserializeResult &result, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
bool NAPAPI deserializeJSONFile (const std::string &path, EPropertyValidationMode propertyValidationMode, EPointerPropertyMode pointerPropertyMode, Factory &factory, DeserializeResult &result, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
bool NAPAPI deserializeObjects (const rapidjson::Value &jsonArray, EPropertyValidationMode propertyValidationMode, EPointerPropertyMode pointerPropertyMode, Factory &factory, DeserializeResult &result, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
std::unique_ptr< nap::rtti::Object > NAPAPI getObjectFromJSONFile (const std::string &path, EPropertyValidationMode propertyValidationMode, Factory &factory, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
bool NAPAPI JSONDocumentFromString (const std::string &json, rapidjson::Document &document, nap::utility::ErrorState &errorState)
void NAPAPI copyObject (const rtti::Object &srcObject, rtti::Object &dstObject)
template<typename T >
std::unique_ptr< T > cloneObject (const T &object, rtti::Factory &factory)
bool NAPAPI areObjectsEqual (const rtti::Object &objectA, const rtti::Object &objectB, const rtti::UnresolvedPointerList &unresolvedPointers=UnresolvedPointerList())
void NAPAPI findFileLinks (const rtti::Object &object, std::vector< std::string > &fileLinks)
void NAPAPI findObjectLinks (const rtti::Object &object, std::vector< ObjectLink > &objectLinks)
int NAPAPI findUnresolvedPointer (const UnresolvedPointerList &unresolvedPointers, const Object *object, const rtti::Path &path)
void NAPAPI getPointeesRecursive (const rtti::Object &object, std::vector< rtti::Object * > &pointees)
uint64_t NAPAPI getRTTIVersion (const rtti::TypeInfo &type)
void NAPAPI getDerivedTypesRecursive (const rtti::TypeInfo &baseType, std::vector< rtti::TypeInfo > &types)
bool NAPAPI hasDescription (const rtti::Property &property)
const NAPAPI char * getDescription (const rtti::Property &property)
bool NAPAPI hasDescription (const rtti::TypeInfo &type)
const NAPAPI char * getDescription (const rtti::TypeInfo &type)
EPropertyMetaData operator& (EPropertyMetaData a, EPropertyMetaData b)
EPropertyMetaData operator| (EPropertyMetaData a, EPropertyMetaData b)
bool isPrimitive (const rtti::TypeInfo &type)
bool hasFlag (const rtti::Property &property, EPropertyMetaData flags)
bool isFileType (const rtti::Property &property, EPropertyFileType filetype)
bool isTypeMatch (const rtti::TypeInfo &typeA, const rtti::TypeInfo &typeB, ETypeCheck typeCheck)
rttr::method findMethodRecursive (const rtti::TypeInfo &type, const std::string &methodName)
bool NAPAPI serializeObjects (const ObjectList &rootObjects, Writer &writer, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
bool NAPAPI serializeObject (rtti::Object &object, Writer &writer, utility::ErrorState &errorState)


constexpr const char * sIDPropertyName = "mID"
constexpr char gRTTIBinaryVersion [] = "RTTIBinary-1.1"

Typedef Documentation

◆ Enum

using Enum = rttr::enumeration

◆ Instance

using Instance = rttr::instance

◆ ObjectList

using ObjectList = std::vector<Object*>

◆ ObjectSet

using ObjectSet = std::unordered_set<Object*>

◆ ObservedObjectList

using ObservedObjectList = std::vector<rtti::Object*>

◆ OwnedObjectList

using OwnedObjectList = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<rtti::Object> >

◆ Property

using Property = rttr::property

◆ TypeInfo

using TypeInfo = rttr::type

◆ UnresolvedPointerList

◆ Variant

using Variant = rttr::variant

◆ VariantArray

using VariantArray = rttr::variant_array_view

◆ VariantMap

using VariantMap = rttr::variant_associative_view

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EPointerPropertyMode

enum EPointerPropertyMode : uint8_t

The deserializer can operate in two modes: using only raw pointers or without any raw pointers at all. The main distinction between the two modes lie in hotloading: in the normal flow of operation, all objects are managed by ResourceManager and internally by ObjectPtrManager. These classes enable the hotloading of objects and they do so by patching internal pointers in non-raw pointers like ObjectPtr, ResourcePtr, ComponentPtr. In such situations, raw pointers are not allowed. However, ObjectPtr and alike are not thread-safe and they should only be used from the main thread. In cases where objects are deserialized directly without the use of ResourceManager, you can use raw pointers instead of ObjectPtr and alike. By enabling OnlyRawPointers or NoRawPointers, the deserializer verifies the correct use of all pointers throughout deserialization.


Raw pointers cannot be used to point to other object, only ObjectPtr, ResourcePtr or ComponentPtr, otherwise an error will be returned.


Only raw pointers can be used to point to other objects, an error will be returned in case of other pointer types.


All types of pointers are supported; no checking is done on raw or non-raw.

◆ EPropertyFileType

enum EPropertyFileType : uint8_t

If EPropertyMetaData::FileLink is set, you can provide a file type. Used for tooling.


Can point to any file, default.


Points to an image file, must be used with EPropertyMetaData::FileLink.


Points to a .vert file, must be used with EPropertyMetaData::FileLink.


Points to a .frag file, must be used with EPropertyMetaData::FileLink.


Points to a .comp file, must be used with EPropertyMetaData::FileLink.


Points to a .py file, must be used with EPropertyMetaData::FileLink.


Points to a .mesh file, must be used with EPropertyMetaData::FileLink.


Points to a video file, must be used with EPropertyMetaData::FileLink.


Points to a an image sequence, must be used with EPropertyMetaData::FileLink.


Points to an audio file, must be used with EPropertyMetaData::FileLink.


Points to a true type font, must be used with EPropertyMetaData::FileLink.

◆ EPropertyMetaData

enum EPropertyMetaData : uint8_t

Controls how an RTTI property is interpreted


Uses the (class) default if the property isn't set.


Load will fail if the property isn't set.


Defines a relationship with an external file.


An embedded pointer.


A read only property in Python.

◆ EPropertyValidationMode

enum EPropertyValidationMode : uint8_t

When a required property is missing from the file, an error will be returned.


When a required property is missing from the file, no errors will be returned.

◆ ETypeCheck

enum ETypeCheck : uint8_t

Selects whether the type check should be an exact type match or whether the type should be derived from the given type.


The type needs to be of the exact same kind.


The type is derived from the specified type.

Function Documentation

◆ areObjectsEqual()

bool NAPAPI nap::rtti::areObjectsEqual ( const rtti::Object objectA,
const rtti::Object objectB,
const rtti::UnresolvedPointerList unresolvedPointers = UnresolvedPointerList() 

Tests whether the attributes of two objects have the same values.

objectAfirst object to compare attributes from.
objectBsecond object to compare attributes from.
unresolvedPointerslist of unresolved pointers that should be used for pointer comparisons in case of unresolved pointers.

◆ checkBinaryVersion()

bool NAPAPI nap::rtti::checkBinaryVersion ( const std::string &  path)

Check whether the binary file at the specified path matches the current binary version (i.e. is up-to-date)

pathpath to the binary file.
true if the binary versions of the types in the file are up-to-date, false if not.

◆ cloneObject()

std::unique_ptr<T> nap::rtti::cloneObject ( const T &  object,
rtti::Factory factory 

Creates a new object with the same attributes as it's source.

objectthe object to copy rtti attributes from.
factoryRTTI object factory.
the cloned object

◆ copyObject()

void NAPAPI nap::rtti::copyObject ( const rtti::Object srcObject,
rtti::Object dstObject 

Copies rtti attributes from one object to another.

srcObjectthe object to copy attributes from
dstObjectthe target object

◆ deserializeBinary()

bool NAPAPI nap::rtti::deserializeBinary ( utility::MemoryStream stream,
Factory factory,
DeserializeResult result,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Deserialize a set of objects and their data from the specified stream

streamthe stream to deserialize from
factorythe RTTI object factory.
resultThe result of the deserialization process
errorStatecontains the error if deserialization fails.
true if deserialization succeeded, false if not. In case of failure, errorState contains detailed error info.

◆ deserializeJSON()

bool NAPAPI nap::rtti::deserializeJSON ( const std::string &  json,
EPropertyValidationMode  propertyValidationMode,
EPointerPropertyMode  pointerPropertyMode,
Factory factory,
DeserializeResult result,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Deserialize a set of objects and their data from the specified JSON string

jsonThe JSON string to deserialize
propertyValidationModewhether missing required properties should be treated as errors
pointerPropertyModecontrols ownership of the created objects. Use 'NoRawPointers' in process and 'OnlyRawPointers' out of process.
factoryRTTI object factory.
resultthe result of the deserialization operation
errorStatecontains the error when de-serialization fails.
true if deserialization succeeded, false if not. In case of failure the errorState contains detailed error info.

◆ deserializeJSONFile()

bool NAPAPI nap::rtti::deserializeJSONFile ( const std::string &  path,
EPropertyValidationMode  propertyValidationMode,
EPointerPropertyMode  pointerPropertyMode,
Factory factory,
DeserializeResult result,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Read and deserialize a set of objects and their data from the specified JSON file

pathThe JSON file to deserialize
propertyValidationModeWhether missing required properties should be treated as errors
pointerPropertyModecontrols ownership of the created objects. Use 'NoRawPointers' in process and 'OnlyRawPointers' out of process.
factoryRTTI object factory.
resultThe result of the deserialization operation
errorStatecontains the error when deserialization fails.
true if deserialization succeeded, false if not. In case of failure the errorState contains detailed error info.

◆ deserializeObjects()

bool NAPAPI nap::rtti::deserializeObjects ( const rapidjson::Value &  jsonArray,
EPropertyValidationMode  propertyValidationMode,
EPointerPropertyMode  pointerPropertyMode,
Factory factory,
DeserializeResult result,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Deserialize a set of objects and their data from the specified JSON string

jsonArrayThe JSON value to deserialize
propertyValidationModewhether missing required properties should be treated as errors
pointerPropertyModecontrols ownership of the created objects. Use 'NoRawPointers' in process and 'OnlyRawPointers' out of process.
factoryRTTI object factory.
resultthe result of the deserialization operation
errorStatecontains the error when de-serialization fails.
true if deserialization succeeded, false if not. In case of failure the errorState contains detailed error info.

◆ findFileLinks()

void NAPAPI nap::rtti::findFileLinks ( const rtti::Object object,
std::vector< std::string > &  fileLinks 

Searches through object's rtti attributes for attribute that have the 'file link' tag.

objectobject to find file links from.
fileLinksoutput array containing the filenames.

◆ findMethodRecursive()

rttr::method nap::rtti::findMethodRecursive ( const rtti::TypeInfo type,
const std::string &  methodName 

Finds method recursively in class and its base classes. Note that if a function is defined twice the base class gets priority.

Note: this should normally work through the regular rttr::get_method function, but this does not seem to work properly. This function is used as a workaround until we solve the issue.

◆ findObjectLinks()

void NAPAPI nap::rtti::findObjectLinks ( const rtti::Object object,
std::vector< ObjectLink > &  objectLinks 

Searches through object's rtti attributes for pointer attributes.

objectobject to find file links from.
objectLinksoutput array containing the object links

◆ findUnresolvedPointer()

int NAPAPI nap::rtti::findUnresolvedPointer ( const UnresolvedPointerList unresolvedPointers,
const Object object,
const rtti::Path path 

Helper to find the index of the unresolved pointer with the specified object and path combination

unresolvedPointersThe list of UnresolvedPointers to search in
objectThe object that the UnresolvedPointer originates in
pathThe path to the attribute on the object that the UnresolvedPointer originates in
The index of the UnresolvedPointer in the specified list. -1 if not found.

◆ getDerivedTypesRecursive()

void NAPAPI nap::rtti::getDerivedTypesRecursive ( const rtti::TypeInfo baseType,
std::vector< rtti::TypeInfo > &  types 

Recursively get all types derived from the specified type (including the base type itself)

baseTypeThe type to use as base
typesThe resulting array of types

◆ getDescription() [1/2]

const NAPAPI char* nap::rtti::getDescription ( const rtti::Property property)

Returns the description of a property.

property description, nullptr when not defined.

◆ getDescription() [2/2]

const NAPAPI char* nap::rtti::getDescription ( const rtti::TypeInfo type)

Returns the description of a type, including base types.

type description, nullptr when not defined.

◆ getObjectFromJSONFile()

std::unique_ptr<nap::rtti::Object> NAPAPI nap::rtti::getObjectFromJSONFile ( const std::string &  path,
EPropertyValidationMode  propertyValidationMode,
Factory factory,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Read and deserialize the first rtti::object from a JSON file. Ownership is transferred.

pathlocation of the JSON file on disk.
propertyValidationModeproperty validation mode
factoryRTTI object creation factory.
errorStatecontains the error if the operation fails.
de-serialized rtti::object

Read and deserialize the first rtti::object of type T from a JSON file. Ownership is transferred.

pathlocation of the JSON file on disk.
propertyValidationModeproperty validation mode
factoryRTTI object creation factory.
errorStatecontains the error if the operation fails.
de-serialized rtti::object

◆ getPointeesRecursive()

void NAPAPI nap::rtti::getPointeesRecursive ( const rtti::Object object,
std::vector< rtti::Object * > &  pointees 

Recursively traverses pointers of the given object and puts them in pointees. Basically traverses the object graph beneath object.

objectThe root object to start traversing pointers from.
pointeesThe resulting array of objects.

◆ getRTTIVersion()

uint64_t NAPAPI nap::rtti::getRTTIVersion ( const rtti::TypeInfo type)

Calculate the version number of the specified type

typeThe type to calculate the version number for
The version number

◆ hasDescription() [1/2]

bool NAPAPI nap::rtti::hasDescription ( const rtti::Property property)

Checks if a description is provided for the given property.

if a description is provided for the given property.

◆ hasDescription() [2/2]

bool NAPAPI nap::rtti::hasDescription ( const rtti::TypeInfo type)

Checks if a description is provided for the given type, including base types. Note that if a description is defined for multiple types, the top-most (derived) description is returned.

if a description is provided for the given type.

◆ hasFlag()

bool nap::rtti::hasFlag ( const rtti::Property property,
EPropertyMetaData  flags 

Helper function to check whether a property has the specified flag set

◆ isFileType()

bool nap::rtti::isFileType ( const rtti::Property property,
EPropertyFileType  filetype 

Helper function to check whether a property is associated with a specific type of file

if the property is a specific type of file

◆ isPrimitive()

bool nap::rtti::isPrimitive ( const rtti::TypeInfo type)

Helper function to determine whether the specified type is a primitive type (i.e. int, float, string, etc)

◆ isTypeMatch()

bool nap::rtti::isTypeMatch ( const rtti::TypeInfo typeA,
const rtti::TypeInfo typeB,
ETypeCheck  typeCheck 

Helper function to check whether two types match, based on a comparison mode

◆ JSONDocumentFromString()

bool NAPAPI nap::rtti::JSONDocumentFromString ( const std::string &  json,
rapidjson::Document &  document,
nap::utility::ErrorState errorState 

Parse JSON text from a read-only string.

jsonstring to parse
documentoutput document
errorStatecontains the error if string can't be parsed

◆ operator&()

EPropertyMetaData nap::rtti::operator& ( EPropertyMetaData  a,
EPropertyMetaData  b 

◆ operator|()

EPropertyMetaData nap::rtti::operator| ( EPropertyMetaData  a,
EPropertyMetaData  b 

◆ readBinary()

bool NAPAPI nap::rtti::readBinary ( const std::string &  path,
Factory factory,
DeserializeResult result,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Deserialize a set of objects and their data from the specified file

pathpath to file.
factorythe RTTI object factory.
resultThe result of the deserialization process.
errorStatecontains the error if deserialization fails.
true if deserialization succeeded, false if not. In case of failure, errorState contains detailed error info.

◆ serializeObject()

bool NAPAPI nap::rtti::serializeObject ( rtti::Object object,
Writer writer,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Serialize a single RTTI object. This function performs all the logic, including traversal. The actual writing is done by the 'type of writer passed in. Object is placed in the root of the document and is NOT part of an 'Objects' array. Use this function to write a single RTTI object, instead of multiple. The object cannot point to other root objects, embedded pointers are allowed.

objectthe object to write.
writerthe rtti writer
errorStatecontains the error if writing fails

◆ serializeObjects()

bool NAPAPI nap::rtti::serializeObjects ( const ObjectList rootObjects,
Writer writer,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Serialize a set of objects using the given writer. This function performs all the logic, including traversal. The actual writing is done by the 'type of writer passed in. All objects are placed inside the 'Objects' array.

rootObjectsthe objects to write.
writerthe rtti writer
errorStatecontains the error if writing fails

Variable Documentation

◆ gRTTIBinaryVersion

constexpr char gRTTIBinaryVersion[] = "RTTIBinary-1.1"

◆ sIDPropertyName

constexpr const char* sIDPropertyName = "mID"