| SequenceEventTrackSegmentView () |
bool | handleEditPopupContent (sequenceguiactions::Action &action) override |
void | drawEvent (const SequenceTrackSegment &segment, ImDrawList *drawList, const ImVec2 &topLeft, float x, ImU32 color) override |
void | insertSegment (SequenceControllerEvent &controller, const std::string &trackID, double time) override |
std::unique_ptr< sequenceguiactions::Action > | createEditAction (const SequenceTrackSegmentEventBase *segment, const std::string &trackID, const std::string &segmentID) override |
| SequenceEventTrackSegmentViewBase ()=default |
virtual | ~SequenceEventTrackSegmentViewBase ()=default |
virtual void | drawEvent (const SequenceTrackSegment &segment, ImDrawList *drawList, const ImVec2 &topLeft, float x)=0 |
| SequenceEventTrackSegmentViewBase ()=default |
virtual | ~SequenceEventTrackSegmentViewBase ()=default |
template<typename T>
class nap::SequenceEventTrackSegmentView< T >
The SequenceEventTrackSegmentView<T> is responsible for drawing and handling the GUI for event types of type T The track view looks up the appropriate view for each event type exists on the track. You can register new views for new type of events from outside, enabling to write your own views and add your own event types relatively simple Extend this class if you want a view for your own event type Override the methods "handleEditPopupContent" and "drawEvent" when implementing your custom view for your custom event For examples. Take a look at the template specializations in SequenceEventTrackView.cpp