Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
ShaderConstantInstance Class Reference

#include <shaderconstant.h>

Public Member Functions

 ShaderConstantInstance (const ShaderConstantDeclaration &declaration, const ShaderConstant *constant)
const ShaderConstantDeclarationgetDeclaration () const
const uint getValue () const

Public Attributes

const ShaderConstantDeclarationmDeclaration
const ShaderConstantmConstant = nullptr
uint mValue = 0


Shader constant instance. Assigns a unsigned integer constant to a material instance.

Shaders are parsed on initialization, but not actually compiled until creation of a graphics pipeline. Shader constants implement Vulkan specialization constants and are a powerful way to compile specialized versions of shaders per material instance. Graphics and compute pipeline keys are distinguished by a shader constant hash that is generated from the material instance resource. This way you can benefit from compiler optimizations like loop unrolling and branch elimination per material setup.

layout (constant_id = 0) const uint SAMPLE_COUNT = 8;
layout (constant_id = 1) const uint USE_EXPENSIVE_ROUTINE = 0;
// main()
// Loop unrolling
for (uint i = 0; i < SAMPLE_COUNT; i++)
// Perform expensive texture samples here
// Branch elimination
// Perform an expensive computation here
// Exit early here
Collaboration diagram for ShaderConstantInstance:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ShaderConstantInstance()

ShaderConstantInstance ( const ShaderConstantDeclaration declaration,
const ShaderConstant constant 

Member Function Documentation

◆ getDeclaration()

const ShaderConstantDeclaration& getDeclaration ( ) const
constant declaration

◆ getValue()

const uint getValue ( ) const
constant value

Member Data Documentation

◆ mConstant

const ShaderConstant* mConstant = nullptr

◆ mDeclaration

const ShaderConstantDeclaration& mDeclaration

◆ mValue

uint mValue = 0