Public Member Functions | List of all members
IRenderTarget Class Referenceabstract

#include <irendertarget.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual void beginRendering ()=0
virtual void endRendering ()=0
virtual const glm::ivec2 getBufferSize () const =0
virtual void setClearColor (const RGBAColorFloat &color)=0
virtual const RGBAColorFloatgetClearColor () const =0
virtual ECullWindingOrder getWindingOrder () const =0
virtual VkFormat getColorFormat () const =0
virtual VkFormat getDepthFormat () const =0
virtual VkRenderPass getRenderPass () const =0
virtual VkSampleCountFlagBits getSampleCount () const =0
virtual bool getSampleShadingEnabled () const =0


Interface for all render targets, including nap::RenderWindow and nap::RenderTarget.

Inheritance diagram for IRenderTarget:

Member Function Documentation

◆ beginRendering()

virtual void beginRendering ( )
pure virtual

◆ endRendering()

virtual void endRendering ( )
pure virtual

◆ getBufferSize()

virtual const glm::ivec2 getBufferSize ( ) const
pure virtual
the size of the buffer in pixels

Implemented in RenderWindow, RenderTarget, DepthRenderTarget, CubeRenderTarget, CubeDepthRenderTarget, and SnapshotRenderTarget.

◆ getClearColor()

virtual const RGBAColorFloat& getClearColor ( ) const
pure virtual

◆ getColorFormat()

virtual VkFormat getColorFormat ( ) const
pure virtual

◆ getDepthFormat()

virtual VkFormat getDepthFormat ( ) const
pure virtual

◆ getRenderPass()

virtual VkRenderPass getRenderPass ( ) const
pure virtual

◆ getSampleCount()

virtual VkSampleCountFlagBits getSampleCount ( ) const
pure virtual

◆ getSampleShadingEnabled()

virtual bool getSampleShadingEnabled ( ) const
pure virtual
if sample based shading is enabled

Implemented in RenderWindow, RenderTarget, DepthRenderTarget, CubeRenderTarget, CubeDepthRenderTarget, and SnapshotRenderTarget.

◆ getWindingOrder()

virtual ECullWindingOrder getWindingOrder ( ) const
pure virtual

◆ setClearColor()

virtual void setClearColor ( const RGBAColorFloat color)
pure virtual

Allows for setting the clear color

Implemented in RenderWindow, RenderTarget, DepthRenderTarget, CubeRenderTarget, CubeDepthRenderTarget, and SnapshotRenderTarget.