Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
ComputePipelineKey Struct Reference

#include <pipelinekey.h>

Public Member Functions

 ComputePipelineKey (const ComputeShader &computeShader, ShaderConstantHash constantHash)
bool operator== (const ComputePipelineKey &rhs) const

Public Attributes

const ComputeShadermShader = nullptr
ShaderConstantHash mConstantHash = 0


Key associated with a specific Vulkan compute pipeline. The render engine uses this key to cache Vulkan pipelines so they can be re-used at runtime. Pipeline creation is considered a heavy Vulkan operation, we therefore cache pipelines to speed up compute operations.

Collaboration diagram for ComputePipelineKey:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ComputePipelineKey()

ComputePipelineKey ( const ComputeShader computeShader,
ShaderConstantHash  constantHash 

Creates the key based on the provided arguments.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator==()

bool operator== ( const ComputePipelineKey rhs) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ mConstantHash

ShaderConstantHash mConstantHash = 0

◆ mShader

const ComputeShader* mShader = nullptr