Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
PipelineKey Struct Reference

#include <pipelinekey.h>

Public Member Functions

 PipelineKey (const Shader &shader, EDrawMode drawMode, EDepthMode depthMode, EBlendMode blendMode, ShaderConstantHash constantHash, ECullWindingOrder cullWindingOrder, VkFormat colorFormat, VkFormat depthFormat, VkSampleCountFlagBits sampleCount, bool sampleShading, ECullMode cullMode, EPolygonMode polygonMode)
bool operator== (const PipelineKey &rhs) const

Public Attributes

const ShadermShader = nullptr
EDrawMode mDrawMode = EDrawMode::Triangles
EDepthMode mDepthMode = EDepthMode::NotSet
EBlendMode mBlendMode = EBlendMode::NotSet
ECullWindingOrder mCullWindingOrder = ECullWindingOrder::Clockwise
VkFormat mColorFormat = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED
VkFormat mDepthFormat = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED
VkSampleCountFlagBits mSampleCount = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT
bool mSampleShading = false
ECullMode mCullMode = ECullMode::Back
EPolygonMode mPolygonMode = EPolygonMode::Fill
ShaderConstantHash mConstantHash = 0


Key associated with a specific Vulkan graphics pipeline. The render engine uses this key to cache Vulkan pipelines so they can be re-used at runtime. Pipeline creation is considered a heavy Vulkan operation, we therefore cache pipelines to speed up rendering.

Collaboration diagram for PipelineKey:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PipelineKey()

PipelineKey ( const Shader shader,
EDrawMode  drawMode,
EDepthMode  depthMode,
EBlendMode  blendMode,
ShaderConstantHash  constantHash,
ECullWindingOrder  cullWindingOrder,
VkFormat  colorFormat,
VkFormat  depthFormat,
VkSampleCountFlagBits  sampleCount,
bool  sampleShading,
ECullMode  cullMode,
EPolygonMode  polygonMode 

Creates the key based on the provided arguments.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator==()

bool operator== ( const PipelineKey rhs) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ mBlendMode

◆ mColorFormat

VkFormat mColorFormat = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED

◆ mConstantHash

ShaderConstantHash mConstantHash = 0

◆ mCullMode

◆ mCullWindingOrder

◆ mDepthFormat

VkFormat mDepthFormat = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED

◆ mDepthMode

◆ mDrawMode

◆ mPolygonMode

◆ mSampleCount

VkSampleCountFlagBits mSampleCount = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT

◆ mSampleShading

bool mSampleShading = false

◆ mShader

const Shader* mShader = nullptr