

Installing the NAP release involves extracting the archive and running our script to guide you through dependency installation. Projects reside within the framework folder structure, and as such we recommend extracting the release into a user directory instead of a system directory. For example on Windows something like My Documents is a more suitable location than C:\\Program Files.

The prerequisites installation script is called check_build_environment and can be found in the tools directory within the release. The script attempts to verify that your build environment is ready for NAP and is designed to be re-run until all checks are successfully passed.

Development Environments

NAP 0.7.7 supports Visual Studio 2019 & 2022 on Windows and make files on Linux. Instead of using these environments you can use Visual Studio Code or CLion to author your code. Although we don't officially support these environments others have confirmed that they work as expected. Both Visual Studio Code and CLion can be configured using CMake, which is the system NAP uses to build and package applications.


Setup Your Build Environment

NAP 0.7.7 supports Windows 10 & 11 (x86_64) with Visual Studio 2019 or 2022.

Download and install Visual Studio 2022. This link points to the community edition which can be used for free. Make sure to select Desktop development with C++ when installing Visual Studio, including MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 and the Windows 10 SDK. Other settings are optional.

  1. Extract using Explorer (or your preferred tool)
  2. In NAP-0.7.7-Win64-x86_64\tools run check_build_environment.bat to guide you through installing prerequisites, following the instructions

Run Your First Demo

  1. Navigate to NAP-0.7.7-Win64-x86_64\demos\helloworld in Explorer
  2. Run regenerate.bat
  3. Open the generated Visual Studio solution (shown in Explorer)
  4. Select the Release configuration
  5. Click the run button



NAP 0.7.7 supports Ubuntu Linux 22.04 & 24.04 on x86-64 machines using GCC. Although NAP is known to run on other distros: Ubuntu is currently the only supported Linux desktop environment.

Raspberry Pi

Only the Raspberry Pi 4 & 5 running Raspbian bookworm (v12, arm64) is 'fully' supported. Headless applications and services without graphics should run on older models, although this has not been tested. Please note that although most demos work fine, we did run into minor render issues with the heightmap and computeflocking demos. Using a more recent (upstream) driver improved overall performance and resolved most known render issues.

Setup Your Build Environment

  1. Extract the release:
    tar jxvf NAP-0.*.tar.bz2
  2. Run the check_build_environment script to guide you through installing prerequisites, following the instructions:
    cd NAP-0.*
  3. If any changes are required re-run check_build_environment after those changes have been made to verify the final environment

Run Your First Demo

  1. Navigate to the helloworld demo
    cd demos/helloworld
  2. Generate the Unix makefiles and build the solution
  3. Run the demo
    cd bin/GNU-Release-*