Public Attributes | List of all members
EntityInstancePtrInitProxy< SourceComponentType > Struct Template Reference

#include <entityptr.h>

Public Attributes

 The ComponentInstance that the EntityInstancePtr is located in. More...
EntityPtr SourceComponentType::* mEntityMemberPointer
 Member pointer to the EntityPtr located in the Component. More...


template<typename SourceComponentType>
struct nap::EntityInstancePtrInitProxy< SourceComponentType >

The EntityInstancePtrInitProxy is a proxy object that is only used to pass arguments to the correct constructor of EntityInstancePtr It's only here so that we can use initEntityInstancePtr to initialize both regular EntityInstancePtrs, as well as vectors of EntityInstancePtr.

Collaboration diagram for EntityInstancePtrInitProxy< SourceComponentType >:

Member Data Documentation

◆ mEntityMemberPointer

EntityPtr SourceComponentType::* mEntityMemberPointer

Member pointer to the EntityPtr located in the Component.

◆ mSourceComponentInstance

ComponentInstance* mSourceComponentInstance

The ComponentInstance that the EntityInstancePtr is located in.