nap::sorter Namespace Reference


void NAPAPI sortObjectsByDepth (std::vector< RenderableComponentInstance * > &comps, const glm::mat4 &viewMatrix)
void NAPAPI sortObjectsByZ (std::vector< RenderableComponentInstance * > &comps)

Function Documentation

◆ sortObjectsByDepth()

void NAPAPI nap::sorter::sortObjectsByDepth ( std::vector< RenderableComponentInstance * > &  comps,
const glm::mat4 &  viewMatrix 

Sorts a set of renderable components by layer, then distance to the camera, ie: depth Note that when the object is of a type mesh it will use the material to sort based on opacity If the renderable object is not a mesh the sorting will occur front-to-back regardless of it's type as we don't know the way the object is rendered to screen

compsthe renderable components to sort
viewMatrixthe camera view matrix used for sorting based on distance

◆ sortObjectsByZ()

void NAPAPI nap::sorter::sortObjectsByZ ( std::vector< RenderableComponentInstance * > &  comps)

Sorts a set of renderable components by layer, then location on world z-axis (ignores camera view transformation) Note that when the object is of a type mesh it will use the material to sort based on opacity If the renderable object is not a mesh the sorting will occur front-to-back regardless of it's type as we don't know the way the object is rendered to screen

compsthe renderable components to sort