Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
nap::utility Namespace Reference




class  AutoResetEvent
class  ErrorState
class  MemoryStream
class  UniquePtrConstMapWrapper
class  UniquePtrConstVectorWrapper
class  UniquePtrMapIterator
class  UniquePtrMapWrapper
class  UniquePtrVectorIterator
class  UniquePtrVectorWrapper


using MeshConnectivityMap = std::vector< std::vector< Triangle > >


enum  ETextOrientation : int { Left = 0, Center = 1, Right = 2 }


float NAPAPI interval (uint binCount, float nyqist)
float NAPAPI freq (uint bin, uint binCount, float nyqist)
void NAPAPI cutoff (const FFTBuffer::AmplitudeSpectrum &inAmps, FFTBuffer::AmplitudeSpectrum &outAmps, uint minBin, uint maxBin)
float NAPAPI average (const FFTBuffer::AmplitudeSpectrum &amps, uint minBin=0, uint maxBin=0)
float NAPAPI centroid (const FFTBuffer::AmplitudeSpectrum &amps)
float NAPAPI flux (const FFTBuffer::AmplitudeSpectrum &current, const FFTBuffer::AmplitudeSpectrum &previous, uint minBin, uint maxBin)
bool NAPAPI createSignature (const std::string &privkey, const std::string &message, ESigningScheme scheme, std::string &outSignature)
bool NAPAPI verifyMessage (const std::string &pubkey, const std::string &message, ESigningScheme scheme, const std::string &signature)
bool NAPAPI generateRSAKey (unsigned int bits, std::string &outPrivKey, std::string &outPubKey)
std::string NAPAPI sha256 (const std::string &str)
 Generate a SHA256 hash of a string. More...
std::string NAPAPI encode64 (const std::string &str)
 Encode a string to base64. More...
std::string NAPAPI decode64 (const std::string &str)
 Decode a base64 string. More...
bool NAPAPI isTriangleMesh (const nap::MeshInstance &meshInstance)
int NAPAPI getTriangleCount (const MeshInstance &meshInstance)
glm::vec3 NAPAPI computeTriangleNormal (const TriangleData< glm::vec3 > &vertices)
void NAPAPI setTriangleIndices (nap::MeshShape &mesh, EDrawMode drawMode, int number, const std::array< int, 3 > &indices)
template<typename T >
void computeBoundingBox (const MeshInstance &mesh, math::Box &outBox)
template<typename T >
void computeBoundingBox (const nap::MeshInstance &mesh, const nap::MeshShape &shape, math::Box &outBox)
void NAPAPI computeNormals (const nap::MeshInstance &mesh, const nap::VertexAttribute< glm::vec3 > &vertices, nap::VertexAttribute< glm::vec3 > &outNormals)
void NAPAPI reverseWindingOrder (nap::MeshInstance &mesh)
void NAPAPI generateIndices (nap::MeshShape &shape, int vertexCount, bool loop=false, int offset=0)
void NAPAPI computeConnectivity (const nap::MeshInstance &mesh, MeshConnectivityMap &outConnectivityMap)
float NAPAPI computeTriangleArea (const TriangleData< glm::vec3 > &vertices)
float NAPAPI computeArea (nap::MeshInstance &mesh, const nap::VertexAttribute< glm::vec3 > &vertices, std::vector< float > &outList)
bool NAPAPI intersect (const glm::vec3 &rayOrigin, const glm::vec3 &rayDirection, const TriangleData< glm::vec3 > &vertices, glm::vec3 &outCoordinates)
glm::vec3 NAPAPI computeBarycentric (const glm::vec3 &point, const TriangleData< glm::vec3 > &triangle)
template<typename T >
interpolateVertexAttr (const TriangleData< T > &vertexValues, const glm::vec3 &barycentricCoordinates)
bool NAPAPI createRenderPass (VkDevice device, VkFormat colorFormat, VkFormat depthFormat, VkSampleCountFlagBits samples, VkImageLayout targetLayout, bool consumeDepth, VkRenderPass &renderPass, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
bool NAPAPI createRenderPass (VkDevice device, VkFormat colorFormat, VkFormat depthFormat, VkSampleCountFlagBits samples, VkImageLayout targetLayout, VkRenderPass &renderPass, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
bool NAPAPI createDepthOnlyRenderPass (VkDevice device, VkFormat depthFormat, VkRenderPass &renderPass, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
bool NAPAPI create2DImage (VmaAllocator allocator, uint32 width, uint32 height, VkFormat format, uint32 mipLevels, VkSampleCountFlagBits samples, VkImageTiling tiling, VkImageUsageFlags imageUsage, VmaMemoryUsage memoryUsage, VkImage &outImage, VmaAllocation &outAllocation, VmaAllocationInfo &outAllocationInfo, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
bool NAPAPI create2DImageView (VkDevice device, VkImage image, VkFormat format, uint32 mipLevels, VkImageAspectFlags aspectFlags, VkImageView &outImageView, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
bool NAPAPI createLayered2DImage (VmaAllocator allocator, uint32 width, uint32 height, VkFormat format, uint32 mipLevels, uint32 layerCount, VkSampleCountFlagBits samples, VkImageTiling tiling, VkImageUsageFlags imageUsage, VmaMemoryUsage memoryUsage, VkImageCreateFlags flags, VkImage &outImage, VmaAllocation &outAllocation, VmaAllocationInfo &outAllocationInfo, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
bool NAPAPI createLayered2DImageView (VkDevice device, VkImage image, VkFormat format, uint32 mipLevels, VkImageAspectFlags aspectFlags, uint32 layerIndex, uint32 layerCount, VkImageView &outImageView, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
bool NAPAPI createCubeImageView (VkDevice device, VkImage image, VkFormat format, uint32 mipLevels, VkImageAspectFlags aspectFlags, uint32 layerCount, VkImageView &outImageView, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
void NAPAPI destroyImageAndView (ImageData &data, VkDevice device, VmaAllocator allocator)
bool NAPAPI createBuffer (VmaAllocator allocator, uint32 size, VkBufferUsageFlags bufferUsage, VmaMemoryUsage memoryUsage, VmaAllocationCreateFlags allocationFlags, BufferData &outBuffer, utility::ErrorState &error)
void NAPAPI destroyBuffer (VmaAllocator allocator, BufferData &buffer)
bool NAPAPI uploadToBuffer (VmaAllocator allocator, uint32 size, const void *data, BufferData &buffer)
VkFormat NAPAPI getTextureFormat (ESurfaceDataType dataType, ESurfaceChannels channels, EColorSpace colorSpace)
VkFormat NAPAPI getTextureFormat (const SurfaceDescriptor &descriptor)
void NAPAPI transitionImageLayout (VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage image, VkImageLayout oldLayout, VkImageLayout newLayout, VkAccessFlags srcAccessMask, VkAccessFlags dstAccessMask, VkPipelineStageFlags srcStage, VkPipelineStageFlags dstStage, uint mipLevel, uint mipLevelCount, VkImageAspectFlags aspect)
void NAPAPI transitionImageLayout (VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage image, VkImageLayout oldLayout, VkImageLayout newLayout, VkAccessFlags srcAccessMask, VkAccessFlags dstAccessMask, VkPipelineStageFlags srcStage, VkPipelineStageFlags dstStage, uint mipLevel, uint mipLevelCount, uint layer, uint layerCount, VkImageAspectFlags aspect)
void NAPAPI createMipmaps (VkCommandBuffer buffer, VkImage image, VkFormat imageFormat, VkImageLayout targetLayout, VkImageAspectFlags aspect, uint32 texWidth, uint32 texHeight, uint32 mipLevels)
void NAPAPI createMipmaps (VkCommandBuffer buffer, VkImage image, VkFormat imageFormat, VkImageLayout targetLayout, VkImageAspectFlags aspect, uint32 texWidth, uint32 texHeight, uint32 mipLevels, uint layer, uint layerCount)
void NAPAPI blit (VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const Texture2D &srcTexture, const Texture2D &dstTexture)
bool listDir (const char *directory, std::vector< std::string > &outFilenames, bool absolute=true)
bool isAbsolutePath (const std::string &path)
std::string getAbsolutePath (const std::string &relPath)
std::string getFileExtension (const std::string &filename)
std::string getFileName (const std::string &file)
std::string getFileDir (const std::string &file)
std::string getFileNameWithoutExtension (const std::string &file)
void stripFileExtension (std::string &file)
std::string stripFileExtension (const std::string &file)
std::string appendFileExtension (const std::string &file, const std::string &ext)
bool hasExtension (const std::string &file, const std::string &extension)
bool fileExists (const std::string &filename)
bool dirExists (const std::string &dirName)
bool ensureDirExists (const std::string &dirName)
bool makeDirs (const std::string &directory)
bool deleteFile (const std::string &path)
void writeStringToFile (const std::string &filename, const std::string &contents)
std::string toComparableFilename (const std::string &filename)
bool isFilenameEqual (const std::string &filenameA, const std::string &filenameB)
bool getFileModificationTime (const std::string &path, uint64_t &modTime)
std::string getExecutablePath ()
std::string getExecutableDir ()
bool changeDir (const std::string &newDir)
std::string getCWD ()
bool readFileToString (const std::string &filename, std::string &outBuffer, utility::ErrorState &err)
std::string findFileInDirectories (const std::string &filename, const std::vector< std::string > &dirs)
std::string joinPath (const std::vector< std::string > &parts)
std::string forceSeparator (const std::string &path)
void splitString (const std::string &string, const char delim, std::vector< std::string > &ioParts)
std::vector< std::string > splitString (const std::string &string, const char delim)
template<typename T >
std::string joinString (const T &list, const char *delim)
void writeString (std::ostream &stream, const std::string &text)
std::string readString (std::istream &stream)
void toLower (std::string &ioString)
std::string toLower (const std::string &string)
void toUpper (std::string &ioString)
std::string toUpper (const std::string &string)
std::string stripNamespace (const std::string &str)
void tokenize (const std::string &str, std::list< std::string > &tokens, const std::string &delims, bool omitTokens=false)
bool startsWith (const std::string &string, const std::string &subString, bool caseSensitive=true)
bool endsWith (const std::string &string, const std::string &subString, bool caseSensitive=true)
bool contains (const std::string &string, const std::string &subString, bool caseSensitive=true)
std::string trim (const std::string &string)
std::string lTrim (const std::string &string)
std::string rTrim (const std::string &string)
template<typename T >
std::string addresStr (T thing)
void namedFormat (std::string &subject, const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &rep)
void namedFormat (std::vector< std::string > &subjects, const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &rep)
std::string replaceTemplateType (const std::string &typeName, const std::string &templateTypeName)
void replaceAllInstances (std::string &inString, const std::string &find, const std::string &replace)
std::string replaceAllInstances (const std::string &inString, const std::string &find, const std::string &replace)
int getLine (const std::string &buffer, size_t offset)
template<typename... Args>
std::string stringFormat (const char *format, Args &&... args)

Detailed Description

String utilities not offered by std::string

Typedef Documentation

◆ MeshConnectivityMap

using MeshConnectivityMap = std::vector<std::vector<Triangle> >

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ETextOrientation

enum ETextOrientation : int

Controls the horizontal text draw orientation, vertical alignment is based on the character origin line This enum is serializable and can be used as a property


Draws text to the right of the horizontal coordinate.


Centers the text around the horizontal coordinate.


Draws the text to the left of the horizontal coordinate.

Function Documentation

◆ addresStr()

std::string addresStr ( thing)

Converts T in to a string using an std stringstream.

thingthe object to convert into a string
the object as a string

◆ appendFileExtension()

std::string nap::utility::appendFileExtension ( const std::string &  file,
const std::string &  ext 
file with appended extension
filethe file to add extension to
extextension without preceding '.'

◆ average()

float NAPAPI nap::utility::average ( const FFTBuffer::AmplitudeSpectrum amps,
uint  minBin = 0,
uint  maxBin = 0 

Computes spectral average of amplitude spectrum

ampsinput amplitude spectrum
minBinminimum bin to cutoff
maxBinmaximum bin to cutoff
the spectrum average

◆ blit()

void NAPAPI nap::utility::blit ( VkCommandBuffer  commandBuffer,
const Texture2D srcTexture,
const Texture2D dstTexture 

Pushes a full-size blit to the command buffer. Must be called inside a render pass, in onDraw(). Assumes a color texture without mip-maps. The layouts of srcTexture and dstTexture are transferred to SHADER_READ after the blit operation.

commandBufferthe command buffer to push the blit operation to
srcTexturethe source texture
dstTexturethe destination texture

◆ centroid()

float NAPAPI nap::utility::centroid ( const FFTBuffer::AmplitudeSpectrum amps)

Computes spectral centroid of amplitude spectrum

ampsinput amplitude spectrum
the normalized spectral centroid

◆ changeDir()

bool nap::utility::changeDir ( const std::string &  newDir)

Change current working directory

newDirThe working directory to change to
if working directory changed

◆ computeArea()

float NAPAPI nap::utility::computeArea ( nap::MeshInstance mesh,
const nap::VertexAttribute< glm::vec3 > &  vertices,
std::vector< float > &  outList 

Computes the area of every triangle in the mesh and stores the results in outList. The total is returned This call assumes the mesh has position vertex attribute data!

meshthe mesh that contains the triangles
verticesthe mesh vertex positions
outLista vector that contains the individual area of every triangle in the mesh
the total area of the mesh

◆ computeBarycentric()

glm::vec3 NAPAPI nap::utility::computeBarycentric ( const glm::vec3 &  point,
const TriangleData< glm::vec3 > &  triangle 

Computes the barycentric coordinates for a point with respect to a triangle

pointthe position of the point in respect to the triangle
trianglethe vertices of the triangle

◆ computeBoundingBox() [1/2]

void computeBoundingBox ( const MeshInstance mesh,
math::Box outBox 

Computes the bounding box of a mesh using its associated position data. Note that indices are not considered. This call loops over all available points regardless of whether if they're drawn or not

Template Parameters
thedata type of the position attribute
meshthe mesh to get the bounding box for
outBoxthe computed bounding box

◆ computeBoundingBox() [2/2]

void computeBoundingBox ( const nap::MeshInstance mesh,
const nap::MeshShape shape,
math::Box outBox 

Computes the bounding box of a single shape within a mesh using its associated position data. Note that the given shape must be part of the mesh.

Template Parameters
thedata type of the position attribute
meshthe mesh that contains position data
shapethe shape to compute the bounding box for
outBoxthe computed bounding box

◆ computeConnectivity()

void NAPAPI nap::utility::computeConnectivity ( const nap::MeshInstance mesh,
MeshConnectivityMap outConnectivityMap 

Builds a 'map' that binds points (mesh index values) to faces The index in the array corresponds to a mesh vertex index (point). This call only works for meshes that have indices. When the mesh does not have indices this call asserts Try to avoid building the map regularly, it's a heavy operation This call asserts when the mesh is not a triangular mesh or has no indices associated with it

meshthe mesh to get build the array from
outConnectivityMapthe array that is populated with the triangles associated with a single index

◆ computeNormals()

void NAPAPI nap::utility::computeNormals ( const nap::MeshInstance mesh,
const nap::VertexAttribute< glm::vec3 > &  vertices,
nap::VertexAttribute< glm::vec3 > &  outNormals 

Automatically re-computes all the normals of a mesh When the mesh has indices the normal is computed based on connectivity Meshes without indices receive the triangular face normal

meshthe triangular mesh
verticesthe vertex position attribute
outNormalsthe recomputed normals, the normals have to be initialized and of the same length as the vertices

◆ computeTriangleArea()

float NAPAPI nap::utility::computeTriangleArea ( const TriangleData< glm::vec3 > &  vertices)
verticesthe triangle vertex position data
the area of a triangle

◆ computeTriangleNormal()

glm::vec3 NAPAPI nap::utility::computeTriangleNormal ( const TriangleData< glm::vec3 > &  vertices)

Computes the normal that is associated with a triangular face. The normal is weighted (not normalized) This call asserts when the index is out of bounds.

verticesmesh vertices
the weighted (not normalized) normal associated with a face

◆ contains()

bool nap::utility::contains ( const std::string &  string,
const std::string &  subString,
bool  caseSensitive = true 

Checks if subString is present in string

stringthe full string that could contain substring
subStringpart of the string that could be present in string
caseSensitiveif the lookup is case sensitive or not
if string contains subString

◆ create2DImage()

bool NAPAPI nap::utility::create2DImage ( VmaAllocator  allocator,
uint32  width,
uint32  height,
VkFormat  format,
uint32  mipLevels,
VkSampleCountFlagBits  samples,
VkImageTiling  tiling,
VkImageUsageFlags  imageUsage,
VmaMemoryUsage  memoryUsage,
VkImage &  outImage,
VmaAllocation &  outAllocation,
VmaAllocationInfo &  outAllocationInfo,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Creates a Vulkan image based on the described image usage and given properties.

◆ create2DImageView()

bool NAPAPI nap::utility::create2DImageView ( VkDevice  device,
VkImage  image,
VkFormat  format,
uint32  mipLevels,
VkImageAspectFlags  aspectFlags,
VkImageView &  outImageView,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Creates a Vulkan image view based on the described image usage and given properties.

◆ createBuffer()

bool NAPAPI nap::utility::createBuffer ( VmaAllocator  allocator,
uint32  size,
VkBufferUsageFlags  bufferUsage,
VmaMemoryUsage  memoryUsage,
VmaAllocationCreateFlags  allocationFlags,
BufferData outBuffer,
utility::ErrorState error 

Creates a Vulkan buffer

◆ createCubeImageView()

bool NAPAPI nap::utility::createCubeImageView ( VkDevice  device,
VkImage  image,
VkFormat  format,
uint32  mipLevels,
VkImageAspectFlags  aspectFlags,
uint32  layerCount,
VkImageView &  outImageView,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Creates a Vulkan cube image view based on the described image usage and given properties.

◆ createDepthOnlyRenderPass()

bool NAPAPI nap::utility::createDepthOnlyRenderPass ( VkDevice  device,
VkFormat  depthFormat,
VkRenderPass &  renderPass,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Creates a single or multi-sample depth-only renderpass based depth format.

◆ createLayered2DImage()

bool NAPAPI nap::utility::createLayered2DImage ( VmaAllocator  allocator,
uint32  width,
uint32  height,
VkFormat  format,
uint32  mipLevels,
uint32  layerCount,
VkSampleCountFlagBits  samples,
VkImageTiling  tiling,
VkImageUsageFlags  imageUsage,
VmaMemoryUsage  memoryUsage,
VkImageCreateFlags  flags,
VkImage &  outImage,
VmaAllocation &  outAllocation,
VmaAllocationInfo &  outAllocationInfo,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Creates a Vulkan layered image based on the described image usage and given properties.

◆ createLayered2DImageView()

bool NAPAPI nap::utility::createLayered2DImageView ( VkDevice  device,
VkImage  image,
VkFormat  format,
uint32  mipLevels,
VkImageAspectFlags  aspectFlags,
uint32  layerIndex,
uint32  layerCount,
VkImageView &  outImageView,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Creates a Vulkan layered image view based on the described image usage and given properties.

◆ createMipmaps() [1/2]

void NAPAPI nap::utility::createMipmaps ( VkCommandBuffer  buffer,
VkImage  image,
VkFormat  imageFormat,
VkImageLayout  targetLayout,
VkImageAspectFlags  aspect,
uint32  texWidth,
uint32  texHeight,
uint32  mipLevels 

Creates mip maps for the specified Vulkan image.

◆ createMipmaps() [2/2]

void NAPAPI nap::utility::createMipmaps ( VkCommandBuffer  buffer,
VkImage  image,
VkFormat  imageFormat,
VkImageLayout  targetLayout,
VkImageAspectFlags  aspect,
uint32  texWidth,
uint32  texHeight,
uint32  mipLevels,
uint  layer,
uint  layerCount 

Creates mip maps for the specified Vulkan image.

◆ createRenderPass() [1/2]

bool NAPAPI nap::utility::createRenderPass ( VkDevice  device,
VkFormat  colorFormat,
VkFormat  depthFormat,
VkSampleCountFlagBits  samples,
VkImageLayout  targetLayout,
bool  consumeDepth,
VkRenderPass &  renderPass,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Creates a single or multi-sample renderpass based on rasterization samples and color/depth formats.

◆ createRenderPass() [2/2]

bool NAPAPI nap::utility::createRenderPass ( VkDevice  device,
VkFormat  colorFormat,
VkFormat  depthFormat,
VkSampleCountFlagBits  samples,
VkImageLayout  targetLayout,
VkRenderPass &  renderPass,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Creates a single or multi-sample renderpass based on rasterization samples and color/depth formats.

◆ createSignature()

bool NAPAPI nap::utility::createSignature ( const std::string &  privkey,
const std::string &  message,
ESigningScheme  scheme,
std::string &  outSignature 

Create a signature for a given message. outSignature is encoded in base64.

privkeyThe private key to use
messageThe message to sign
schemeThe signing scheme to use
outSignatureThe signature encoded in base64
True if the signature was created successfully

◆ cutoff()

void NAPAPI nap::utility::cutoff ( const FFTBuffer::AmplitudeSpectrum inAmps,
FFTBuffer::AmplitudeSpectrum outAmps,
uint  minBin,
uint  maxBin 

Negates amplitudes outside of cutoff frequency

inAmpsinput amplitude spectrum
outAmpsoutput amplitude spectrum where amplitudes outside of cutoff frequency are negated
minBinminimum bin to cutoff
maxBinmaximum bin to cutoff

◆ decode64()

std::string NAPAPI nap::utility::decode64 ( const std::string &  str)

Decode a base64 string.

strThe string to decode
The decoded string

◆ deleteFile()

bool nap::utility::deleteFile ( const std::string &  path)

Delete the file at the specified path.

pathThe path to the file to delete
true on success, false if it failed

◆ destroyBuffer()

void NAPAPI nap::utility::destroyBuffer ( VmaAllocator  allocator,
BufferData buffer 

Destroys a Vulkan buffer

◆ destroyImageAndView()

void NAPAPI nap::utility::destroyImageAndView ( ImageData data,
VkDevice  device,
VmaAllocator  allocator 

Destroys a Vulkan image and Vulkan ImageView if present in data

◆ dirExists()

bool nap::utility::dirExists ( const std::string &  dirName)

Check if a directory exists or not

dirNamename of the directory to check for
if the directory exists

◆ encode64()

std::string NAPAPI nap::utility::encode64 ( const std::string &  str)

Encode a string to base64.

strThe string to encode
The encoded string

◆ endsWith()

bool nap::utility::endsWith ( const std::string &  string,
const std::string &  subString,
bool  caseSensitive = true 

Checks if string ends with subString

stringthe string to check
subStringthe part of the string to check for
caseSensitiveif the lookup is case sensitive or now
if string ends with substring

◆ ensureDirExists()

bool nap::utility::ensureDirExists ( const std::string &  dirName)

Makes sure the given directory exists, attempts to create the directory if it does not exist, recursively

dirNamename of the directory to check for
if directory exists

◆ fileExists()

bool nap::utility::fileExists ( const std::string &  filename)

Check whether a file exists or not.

filenameThe absolute or relative file path to check for
true if the file exists, false otherwise

◆ findFileInDirectories()

std::string nap::utility::findFileInDirectories ( const std::string &  filename,
const std::vector< std::string > &  dirs 

Find a file in one of the given directories.

filenameThe file to look for, including extension
dirsThe directories to search in
The absolute path to the found file or an empty string if none was found

◆ flux()

float NAPAPI nap::utility::flux ( const FFTBuffer::AmplitudeSpectrum current,
const FFTBuffer::AmplitudeSpectrum previous,
uint  minBin,
uint  maxBin 

Computes spectral flux of amplitude spectrum

currentthe amplitude spectrum of the current frame
previousthe amplitude spectrum of the previous frame
minBinminimum bin to cutoff
maxBinmaximum bin to cutoff
the spectral flux

◆ forceSeparator()

std::string nap::utility::forceSeparator ( const std::string &  path)

Returns a file path with the correct path separator for the current platform.

pathpath name to correct
A file path with the correct path separator for the current platform

◆ freq()

float NAPAPI nap::utility::freq ( uint  bin,
uint  binCount,
float  nyqist 
binthe bin to retrieve the frequency from
binCountthe number of frequency bins
nyqistnyqist frequency in Hz (e.g. 44100 Hz)
frequency at bin in Hz

◆ generateIndices()

void NAPAPI nap::utility::generateIndices ( nap::MeshShape shape,
int  vertexCount,
bool  loop = false,
int  offset = 0 

Generates a list of sequential indices from offset up to vertexCount + offset.

shapeThe shape to generate indices for.
vertexCountnumber of indices to generate.
loopan extra index is added at the end, pointing to the the first one. Useful when creating a line loop.
offsetThe first index value.

◆ generateRSAKey()

bool NAPAPI nap::utility::generateRSAKey ( unsigned int  bits,
std::string &  outPrivKey,
std::string &  outPubKey 

Generate a RSA public-private key pair.

bitsnumber of bits
outPrivKeystring will be filled with the private key
outPubKeystring will be filled with the public key
True if the key pair was generated successfully

◆ getAbsolutePath()

std::string nap::utility::getAbsolutePath ( const std::string &  relPath)

Given a relative path, return an absolute path.

relPathThe path to convert
Absolute file path, empty string if path can't be resolved.

◆ getCWD()

std::string nap::utility::getCWD ( )

Returns the current working directory

the current working directory

◆ getExecutableDir()

std::string nap::utility::getExecutableDir ( )
the full path to the executable directory.

◆ getExecutablePath()

std::string nap::utility::getExecutablePath ( )
the full path to the executable including the application name

◆ getFileDir()

std::string nap::utility::getFileDir ( const std::string &  file)
filethe filename
the directory of the given file

◆ getFileExtension()

std::string nap::utility::getFileExtension ( const std::string &  filename)

Return the extension of the given filename. Eg. "" -> "gz"

filenameThe filename to get the extension from
The file extension without the dot

◆ getFileModificationTime()

bool nap::utility::getFileModificationTime ( const std::string &  path,
uint64_t &  modTime 

Get the modification time of the specified path

pathThe path to the file
modTimeThe modification time of the file
Whether file modification time was successfully retrieved

◆ getFileName()

std::string nap::utility::getFileName ( const std::string &  file)
filethe file to extract the name frame
the name of the given file with extension, empty string if file has no extension

◆ getFileNameWithoutExtension()

std::string nap::utility::getFileNameWithoutExtension ( const std::string &  file)
file name without extension
filepath that is stripped

◆ getLine()

int nap::utility::getLine ( const std::string &  buffer,
size_t  offset 

Based on a string and a character offset into this string, return the line number

bufferThe string to search
offsetCharacter offset into the provided buffer
The line number at which the character at offset appears

◆ getTextureFormat() [1/2]

VkFormat NAPAPI nap::utility::getTextureFormat ( const SurfaceDescriptor descriptor)
the Vulkan format of the specified surface descriptor

◆ getTextureFormat() [2/2]

VkFormat NAPAPI nap::utility::getTextureFormat ( ESurfaceDataType  dataType,
ESurfaceChannels  channels,
EColorSpace  colorSpace 
the Vulkan format of the specified surface properties

◆ getTriangleCount()

int NAPAPI nap::utility::getTriangleCount ( const MeshInstance meshInstance)

Returns the total number of triangles associated with a mesh.

meshInstancethe mesh to inspect.
the total number of triangles associated with a mesh

◆ hasExtension()

bool nap::utility::hasExtension ( const std::string &  file,
const std::string &  extension 
if the file has the associated file extension
filethe file to check extension for
extensionthe file extension without preceding '.'

◆ interpolateVertexAttr()

T interpolateVertexAttr ( const TriangleData< T > &  vertexValues,
const glm::vec3 &  barycentricCoordinates 

Interpolates triangle vertex values based on barycentric u and v coordinates

vertexValuesthe values associated with the triangle vertices
barycentricCoordinatesthe triangle barycentric coordinates (u,v,w)
the interpolated vertex attribute value

◆ intersect()

bool NAPAPI nap::utility::intersect ( const glm::vec3 &  rayOrigin,
const glm::vec3 &  rayDirection,
const TriangleData< glm::vec3 > &  vertices,
glm::vec3 &  outCoordinates 

Calculates the intersection of a ray and a triangle in 3 dimensions Based on the Moller Trumbore intersection algorithm: Back-facing triangles relative to the ray direction are not considered

rayOriginthe origin of the ray, often the world space position of a camera
rayDirectionthe direction of the ray from it's origin
verticesthe triangle vertex positions
outCoordinatesbarycentric coordinates of point of intersection, where z is the scalar factor for the ray.
if the ray intersects the triangle

◆ interval()

float NAPAPI nap::utility::interval ( uint  binCount,
float  nyqist 
binCountthe number of frequency bins
nyqistnyqist frequency in Hz (e.g. 44100 Hz)
frequency interval in Hz

◆ isAbsolutePath()

bool nap::utility::isAbsolutePath ( const std::string &  path)

Check if the given path is absolute

pathThe path to check
True if the path is absolute, false otherwise

◆ isFilenameEqual()

bool nap::utility::isFilenameEqual ( const std::string &  filenameA,
const std::string &  filenameB 
filenameAfilename to compare against filenameB.
filenameBfilename to comapre against filenameA.
return true when file are logically equal (uses toComparableFilename).

◆ isTriangleMesh()

bool NAPAPI nap::utility::isTriangleMesh ( const nap::MeshInstance meshInstance)

Returns if the mesh is of type: TRIANGLES, TRIANGLE_STRIP or TRIANGLE_FAN

meshInstancethe mesh to check

◆ joinPath()

std::string nap::utility::joinPath ( const std::vector< std::string > &  parts)

Join parts path parts using the correct path separator for the current platform

◆ joinString()

std::string joinString ( const T &  list,
const char *  delim 

Joins a list of strings together. For example: joinString({"one", "two", "three"}, ", ") -> becomes: "one, two, three"

listThe list of strings to join
delimThe delimiter to inject between the elements
The joined string.

◆ listDir()

bool nap::utility::listDir ( const char *  directory,
std::vector< std::string > &  outFilenames,
bool  absolute = true 

List all files in a directory

directoryThe directory to search in
outFilenamesA vector of files to populate with filenames
absoluteWhether to populate absolute filenames
False on failure

◆ lTrim()

std::string nap::utility::lTrim ( const std::string &  string)

Strips white space characters from the start(left) of a string

stringthe string to remove white space characters from
the string without white space characters

◆ makeDirs()

bool nap::utility::makeDirs ( const std::string &  directory)

Attempts to create a directory with the given name, recursively. Creation will fail if the path is invalid or the directory already exists.

directorypath to the directory to create, absolute or relative.
If the directory has been created.

◆ namedFormat() [1/2]

void nap::utility::namedFormat ( std::string &  subject,
const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &  rep 

Replace all occurrences of the provided keys with their associated values in the given subject string. The keys in the subject string are to be wrapped in curly braces. Example: subject: My {animal}'s name is {name}, it's a good {animal}. replacement: {{"animal", "snake"}, {"name", "Donald"}} result: My snake's name is Donald, it's a good snake.

subjectThe string to search and replace keys in.
repThe keys and values used in the replacement operation.
The resulting string after replacement

◆ namedFormat() [2/2]

void nap::utility::namedFormat ( std::vector< std::string > &  subjects,
const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &  rep 

Replace all occurrences of the provided keys with their associated values in the given subject strings. The keys in the subject string are to be wrapped in curly braces. Example: subject: My {animal}'s name is {name}, it's a good {animal}. replacement: {{"animal", "snake"}, {"name", "Donald"}} result: My snake's name is Donald, it's a good snake.

subjectsThe strings to search and replace keys in.
repThe keys and values used in the replacement operation.

◆ readFileToString()

bool nap::utility::readFileToString ( const std::string &  filename,
std::string &  outBuffer,
utility::ErrorState err 

Read the contents of a file into a string.

filenameName of the file to read from
outBufferThe string in which the contents will be stored
errWill contain the error details if there were any problems.
True if the read succeeded, false otherwise

◆ readString()

std::string nap::utility::readString ( std::istream &  stream)

Reads a string form an input stream

streamthe stream to read the string from
the string read from the input stream

◆ replaceAllInstances() [1/2]

std::string nap::utility::replaceAllInstances ( const std::string &  inString,
const std::string &  find,
const std::string &  replace 

Replace all instances of a string with a replacement string.

inStringThe input string to search in
findThe string to replace
replaceThe replacement string
A copy of the input string with all instances of the search term replaced

◆ replaceAllInstances() [2/2]

void nap::utility::replaceAllInstances ( std::string &  inString,
const std::string &  find,
const std::string &  replace 

Replace all instances of search string with replacement

inStringThe input string to search in
findThe search string
replaceThe replacement string

◆ replaceTemplateType()

std::string nap::utility::replaceTemplateType ( const std::string &  typeName,
const std::string &  templateTypeName 

Given a templated type name, replace its template parameter with the provided template type.

typeNameThe original templated type name, eg. "nap::MyType<SomeClass<float>>"
templateTypeNameA replacement type name, eg. "float"
A modified type name such as "nap::MyType<float>"

◆ reverseWindingOrder()

void NAPAPI nap::utility::reverseWindingOrder ( nap::MeshInstance mesh)

Reverses the winding order of all the triangle vertices in a mesh When a triangle has vertices A, B, C the new order will be C, B, A This call only works for triangle meshes that have indices associated with it This call asserts when the mesh is not a triangular mesh or the mesh has no indices

meshthe mesh to reverse the index winding order for

◆ rTrim()

std::string nap::utility::rTrim ( const std::string &  string)

Strips white space characters from the end(right) of a string string

stringthe string to remove white space characters from
the string without white space characters

◆ setTriangleIndices()

void NAPAPI nap::utility::setTriangleIndices ( nap::MeshShape mesh,
EDrawMode  drawMode,
int  number,
const std::array< int, 3 > &  indices 

Sets the vertex indices associated with a triangle. Note that this function only works for meshes that are of type: TRIANGLES, TRIANGLE_STRIP or TRIANGLE_FAN This call asserts when the triangle number is out of bounds, the mesh has no indices or the draw mode is not of type triangle

meshthe mesh to get the indices from
drawModemesh topology
numberthe triangle number to get the for
indicesthe new indices
if the triangle indices are valid

◆ sha256()

std::string NAPAPI nap::utility::sha256 ( const std::string &  str)

Generate a SHA256 hash of a string.

strThe string to hash
The hash

◆ splitString() [1/2]

std::vector<std::string> nap::utility::splitString ( const std::string &  string,
const char  delim 

◆ splitString() [2/2]

void nap::utility::splitString ( const std::string &  string,
const char  delim,
std::vector< std::string > &  ioParts 

◆ startsWith()

bool nap::utility::startsWith ( const std::string &  string,
const std::string &  subString,
bool  caseSensitive = true 

Checks if string starts with subString

stringthe string to check
subStringthe part of the string to check for
caseSensitiveif the lookup is case sensitive or not
if the given string starts with subString

◆ stringFormat()

std::string nap::utility::stringFormat ( const char *  msg,
Args &&...  args 

Formats a string based on the incoming arguments example: utility::stringFormat("%s contains %d number of items",, i)

msgthe string to format
argsthe arguments to replace
the formatted string

◆ stripFileExtension() [1/2]

std::string nap::utility::stripFileExtension ( const std::string &  file)
file without extension
filethe file to string the extension from

◆ stripFileExtension() [2/2]

void nap::utility::stripFileExtension ( std::string &  file)
filethe file to strip the extension from

◆ stripNamespace()

std::string nap::utility::stripNamespace ( const std::string &  str)

Strips all name space related identifiers from the given string.

strthe string to remove the namespace from
the stripped string

◆ toComparableFilename()

std::string nap::utility::toComparableFilename ( const std::string &  filename)

TODO: This may well be a platform independent 'toCanonicalFilename' or 'URI' as described here:

returns a string that can be used to compare against other filenames. Is also suitable for use as key in map or set.
filenamethe source filename.

◆ tokenize()

void nap::utility::tokenize ( const std::string &  str,
std::list< std::string > &  tokens,
const std::string &  delims,
bool  omitTokens = false 

Tokenize str into tokens.

strthe string to tokenize
tokensthe tokens used to process the string
delimsthe delimiters used for the the tokenization process
omitTokensif the tokens are discarded from the result

◆ toLower() [1/2]

std::string nap::utility::toLower ( const std::string &  string)

Converts all upper case characters in ioString to lower case characters

stringthe input string that is converted
the lower case version of the given string

◆ toLower() [2/2]

void nap::utility::toLower ( std::string &  ioString)

Converts all upper case characters in ioString to lower case characters

ioStringthe input string that is converted to a lower case string

◆ toUpper() [1/2]

std::string nap::utility::toUpper ( const std::string &  string)

Converts all lower case characters in ioString to upper case characters

stringthe input string that is converted
the upper case version of the given string

◆ toUpper() [2/2]

void nap::utility::toUpper ( std::string &  ioString)

Converts all lower case characters in ioString to upper case characters

ioStringthe input string that is converted to an upper case string

◆ transitionImageLayout() [1/2]

void NAPAPI nap::utility::transitionImageLayout ( VkCommandBuffer  commandBuffer,
VkImage  image,
VkImageLayout  oldLayout,
VkImageLayout  newLayout,
VkAccessFlags  srcAccessMask,
VkAccessFlags  dstAccessMask,
VkPipelineStageFlags  srcStage,
VkPipelineStageFlags  dstStage,
uint  mipLevel,
uint  mipLevelCount,
uint  layer,
uint  layerCount,
VkImageAspectFlags  aspect 

Transition image to a new layout using an image barrier.

◆ transitionImageLayout() [2/2]

void NAPAPI nap::utility::transitionImageLayout ( VkCommandBuffer  commandBuffer,
VkImage  image,
VkImageLayout  oldLayout,
VkImageLayout  newLayout,
VkAccessFlags  srcAccessMask,
VkAccessFlags  dstAccessMask,
VkPipelineStageFlags  srcStage,
VkPipelineStageFlags  dstStage,
uint  mipLevel,
uint  mipLevelCount,
VkImageAspectFlags  aspect 

Transition image to a new layout using an image barrier.

◆ trim()

std::string nap::utility::trim ( const std::string &  string)

Strips white space characters from a string

stringthe string to remove white space characters from
the string without white space characters

◆ uploadToBuffer()

bool NAPAPI nap::utility::uploadToBuffer ( VmaAllocator  allocator,
uint32  size,
const void *  data,
BufferData buffer 

Uploads data into a staging buffer

◆ verifyMessage()

bool NAPAPI nap::utility::verifyMessage ( const std::string &  pubkey,
const std::string &  message,
ESigningScheme  scheme,
const std::string &  signature 

Verify a message against a signature. Signature is expected to be encoded in base64.

pubkeyThe public key to use
messageThe message to verify
schemeThe signing scheme to use
signatureThe signature encoded in base64
True if the message was verified successfully

◆ writeString()

void nap::utility::writeString ( std::ostream &  stream,
const std::string &  text 

Writes a string to an output stream

streamthe output stream to write to
textthe string to write

◆ writeStringToFile()

void nap::utility::writeStringToFile ( const std::string &  filename,
const std::string &  contents 

Dump a string to a file.

filenameThe name of the file to write to.
contentsThe string to write