Public Member Functions | List of all members
MaterialInstance Class Reference

#include <materialinstance.h>

Public Member Functions

bool init (RenderService &renderService, MaterialInstanceResource &resource, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
MaterialgetMaterial ()
const MaterialgetMaterial () const
EBlendMode getBlendMode () const
void setBlendMode (EBlendMode blendMode)
void setDepthMode (EDepthMode depthMode)
EDepthMode getDepthMode () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseMaterialInstance
virtual UniformStructInstancegetOrCreateUniform (const std::string &name)
template<class T >
T * getOrCreateBuffer (const std::string &name)
BufferBindingInstancegetOrCreateBuffer (const std::string &name)
template<class T >
T * getOrCreateSampler (const std::string &name)
SamplerInstancegetOrCreateSampler (const std::string &name)
template<class T >
T * getOrCreateSampler (const Sampler &resource)
SamplerInstancegetOrCreateSampler (const Sampler &resource)
BaseMaterialgetMaterial ()
const BaseMaterialgetMaterial () const
virtual const DescriptorSetupdate ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from UniformContainer
 UniformContainer ()=default
virtual ~UniformContainer ()=default
 UniformContainer (const UniformContainer &)=delete
UniformContaineroperator= (const UniformContainer &)=delete
UniformStructInstancefindUniform (const std::string &name) const
SamplerInstancefindSampler (const std::string &name) const
BufferBindingInstancefindBinding (const std::string &name) const
ShaderConstantInstancefindConstant (const std::string &name) const
const SamplerInstanceListgetSamplers () const
const BufferBindingInstanceListgetBufferBindings () const
const ShaderConstantInstanceListgetConstants () const
const UniformStructInstanceListgetUniformStructs () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from UniformContainer
using UniformStructInstanceList = std::vector< std::unique_ptr< UniformStructInstance > >
using BufferBindingInstanceList = std::vector< std::unique_ptr< BufferBindingInstance > >
using SamplerInstanceList = std::vector< std::unique_ptr< SamplerInstance > >
using ShaderConstantInstanceList = std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ShaderConstantInstance > >
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BaseMaterialInstance
bool initInternal (RenderService &renderService, BaseMaterial &material, BaseMaterialInstanceResource &instanceResource, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
void rebuildUBO (UniformBufferObject &ubo, UniformStructInstance *overrideStruct)
void onUniformCreated ()
void onSamplerChanged (int imageStartIndex, SamplerInstance &samplerInstance, int imageArrayIndex)
void onBufferChanged (int storageBufferIndex, BufferBindingInstance &bindingInstance)
void updateBuffers (const DescriptorSet &descriptorSet)
bool initBuffers (BaseMaterialInstanceResource &resource, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
void updateSamplers (const DescriptorSet &descriptorSet)
bool initSamplers (BaseMaterialInstanceResource &resource, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
void addImageInfo (const Texture &texture, VkSampler sampler)
bool initConstants (BaseMaterialInstanceResource &resource, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
BufferBindingInstancegetOrCreateBufferInternal (const std::string &name)
SamplerInstancegetOrCreateSamplerInternal (const std::string &name, const Sampler *sampler)
const ShaderStageConstantMapgetShaderStageConstantMap () const
ShaderConstantHash getConstantHash () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from UniformContainer
UniformStructInstancecreateUniformRootStruct (const ShaderVariableStructDeclaration &declaration, const UniformCreatedCallback &uniformCreatedCallback)
BufferBindingInstanceaddBindingInstance (std::unique_ptr< BufferBindingInstance > instance)
SamplerInstanceaddSamplerInstance (std::unique_ptr< SamplerInstance > instance)
ShaderConstantInstanceaddConstantInstance (std::unique_ptr< ShaderConstantInstance > instance)
- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseMaterialInstance
VkDevice mDevice = nullptr
RenderServicemRenderService = nullptr
BaseMaterialmMaterial = nullptr
BaseMaterialInstanceResourcemResource = nullptr
std::vector< UniformBufferObjectmUniformBufferObjects
std::vector< VkWriteDescriptorSet > mStorageWriteDescriptorSets
std::vector< VkDescriptorBufferInfo > mStorageDescriptors
std::vector< VkWriteDescriptorSet > mSamplerWriteDescriptorSets
std::vector< VkDescriptorImageInfo > mSamplerDescriptors
ShaderStageConstantMap mShaderStageConstantMap
ShaderConstantHash mConstantHash
bool mUniformsCreated = false


To draw an object with a Material, you must use a MaterialInstance. MaterialInstance contains the runtime data for drawing a Material. MaterialInstance is intended to be used as a property in Components. It must be initialized based on a MaterialInstanceResource object to fill its runtime data. init() must be called from the ComponentInstance's init() function. Before drawing, make sure to call update() to update the uniforms and samplers. A descriptorset will be returned that can be used to issue the Vulkan draw call.

Multiple MaterialInstances can share a single Material and a single MaterialInstance can override Material properties on a per-instance basis. This means that you can set uniform or texture data on Material level, which means that, as long as the property isn't overridden, you will set it for all MaterialInstances in one go. If you set a property on MaterialInstance level, you will set it only for that MaterialInstance.

It is also possible to set uniform or texture state on a single MaterialInstance multiple times per frame. When multiple draws are performed with the frame, the state at the point of draw will be used.

Note that there is no implicit synchronization of access to shader resources bound to storage and regular uniforms between render passes. Therefore, it is currently not recommended to write to storage buffers inside vertex and/or fragment shaders over consecutive render passes within a single frame.

Performance note: changing the Depth mode or Blend mode frequently on a single MaterialInstance is not recommended, as it requires a rebuild of the entire GPU pipeline. If changing it per frame is required, consider using multiple MaterialInstance objects and switch between them instead.

Inheritance diagram for MaterialInstance:
Collaboration diagram for MaterialInstance:

Member Function Documentation

◆ getBlendMode()

EBlendMode getBlendMode ( ) const
If blend mode was overridden for this material, returns blend mode, otherwise material's blendmode.

◆ getDepthMode()

EDepthMode getDepthMode ( ) const
If depth mode was overridden for this material, returns depth mode, otherwise material's depthmode.

◆ getMaterial() [1/2]

Material& getMaterial ( )
material that this instance is overriding.

◆ getMaterial() [2/2]

const Material& getMaterial ( ) const
material that this instance is overriding

◆ init()

bool init ( RenderService renderService,
MaterialInstanceResource resource,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Initializes all runtime structures for MaterialInstance.

◆ setBlendMode()

void setBlendMode ( EBlendMode  blendMode)

Sets the blend mode that is used when rendering an object with this material. Note that frequently changing the blend mode on the same MaterialInstance requires a rebuild of the underlying GPU pipeline. When frequent changes are required, it is recommended to use multiple MaterialInstance objects instead.

blendModethe new blend mode

◆ setDepthMode()

void setDepthMode ( EDepthMode  depthMode)

Sets the depth mode that is used when rendering an object with this material. Note that frequently changing the depth mode on the same MaterialInstance requires a rebuild of the underlying GPU pipeline. When frequent changes are required, it is recommended to use multiple MaterialInstance objects instead.

depthModethe new depth mode