enum | EShaderType : uint { Vertex = 0x01,
Fragment = 0x02
} |
using | ShaderTypeFlags = uint |
static bool | isIDProperty (rtti::Instance &object, const rtti::Property &property) |
std::string | mID |
| Property: 'mID' unique name of the object. Used as an identifier by the system. More...
bool | load (const std::string &displayName, const std::vector< std::string > &searchPaths, const char *vertShader, int vertSize, const char *fragShader, int fragSize, utility::ErrorState &errorState) |
bool | loadDefault (const std::string &displayName, utility::ErrorState &errorState) |
bool | initLayout (VkDevice device, nap::utility::ErrorState &errorState) |
bool | verifyShaderVariableDeclarations (utility::ErrorState &errorState) |
RenderService * | mRenderService = nullptr |
| Handle to render engine. More...
std::string | mDisplayName |
| Filename of shader used as display name. More...
BufferObjectDeclarationList | mUBODeclarations |
| All uniform buffer object declarations. More...
BufferObjectDeclarationList | mSSBODeclarations |
| All storage buffer object declarations. More...
SamplerDeclarations | mSamplerDeclarations |
| All sampler declarations. More...
ShaderConstantDeclarations | mConstantDeclarations |
| All shader constant declarations. More...
VkDescriptorSetLayout | mDescriptorSetLayout = VK_NULL_HANDLE |
| Descriptor set layout. More...
Shader that converts YUV video textures, output by the nap::VideoPlayer, into an RGB image. Used by the nap::RenderVideoComponent.
The video shader exposes the following shader variables:
uniform sampler2D yTexture;
uniform sampler2D uTexture;
uniform sampler2D vTexture;