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BaseColor Class Referenceabstract

#include <color.h>

Public Types

using Converter = std::function< void(const BaseColor &, BaseColor &, int)>

Public Member Functions

 BaseColor (int channels, int size)
virtual ~BaseColor ()=default
bool operator== (const BaseColor &rhs)=delete
bool operator!= (const BaseColor &rhs)=delete
int getNumberOfChannels () const
int valueSize () const
virtual rtti::TypeInfo getValueType () const =0
virtual bool isPointer () const =0
void convert (BaseColor &target) const
Converter getConverter (const BaseColor &target) const
template<typename T >
convert () const
virtual const void * getData (int channel) const =0
virtual void * getData (int channel)=0
int size () const

Static Public Member Functions

static void convertColor (const BaseColor &source, BaseColor &target)
static void convertColor (const BaseColor &source, BaseColor &target, const Converter &converter)
static Converter getConverter (const BaseColor &source, const BaseColor &target)


Base class for all types of color. There are two types of colors: Colors that manage their own values and colors that point to values in memory. Colors that point to values in memory have the suffix Data, where colors that manage their own values don't: ie: RGBColor8 is a color that holds 3 RGB uint8 (Byte) color values. RGBColorData8 on the other hand holds 3 pointers to RGB uint8 (Byte) values and does not own the data it points to. Colors that point to values in memory are useful when working with bitmaps and a copy is often unnecessary. They're also very useful to change the color value of a pixel in a bitmap directly, look at conversion for more info.

Inheritance diagram for BaseColor:

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Converter

using Converter = std::function<void(const BaseColor&, BaseColor&, int)>

converts color type A in to type B

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BaseColor()

BaseColor ( int  channels,
int  size 

Base constructor associated with a color

channelsthe number of channels of the color
sizethe size in bytes of a single color channel

◆ ~BaseColor()

virtual ~BaseColor ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ convert() [1/2]

T convert

Returns this color as a color of type T. Channels that can't be converted are initialized to 0. When converting to and from float colors, normalized color values are used. Float values that do not fall within the 0-1 range are clamped This call won't work with colors that point to values in memory! Valid options for T are: RGBColor8, RColor8, RGBColorFloat etc.


// Create 8 bit RGB color
RGBColor8 eight_bit_color = { 0xC8, 0x69, 0x69 };
// Convert to RGBA float color
// The RGB channels are converted. Alpha is initialized to 0.
RGBAColorFloat as_float_color = eight_bit_color.convert<RGBAColorFloat>();
the converted color

◆ convert() [2/2]

void convert ( BaseColor target) const

Converts and copies the values associated with this color in to the target color. Channels that can't be converted are initialized to 0. When converting to and from float colors, normalized color values are used. Float values that do not fall within the 0-1 range are clamped. When the target does not manage it's own color values, ie: holds pointers to color values in memory, the values that are pointed to in target are overridden. This makes it possible (for example) to write colors directly in to a bitmap without having to copy them over.

This is therefore valid (source)RGBAColorData8 -> (target)RGBColor8, the target will have a copy of the values pointed to by it's source The following is also valid: (source)RGBColor8 -> (target)RGBColorData8, the target will have the values it points to replaced by the converted color value

targetthe converted color value

◆ convertColor() [1/2]

static void convertColor ( const BaseColor source,
BaseColor target 

Converts a color. Channels that can't be converted are initialized to 0. When converting to and from float colors, normalized color values are used. Float values that do not fall within the 0-1 range are clamped. When the target does not manage it's own color values, ie: holds pointers to color values in memory, the values that are pointed to are overridden by the result of the conversion. This makes it possible (for example) to write colors directly in to a bitmap without having to copy them over.

sourcethe color to convert
targetholds the converted color values

◆ convertColor() [2/2]

static void convertColor ( const BaseColor source,
BaseColor target,
const Converter converter 

Converts the color values in source Color to target Color using the given conversion method It's required that the from color has an equal or higher amount of color channels Therefore this conversion is valid: RGBA8 to RGBFloat, but not: RGB8 to RGBAFloat The following is also valid: RGBColorData16 to RGBColorFloat or, RGBAColorData8 to RGBColorData16 When converting to and from float colors, normalized color values are used. Float values that do not fall within the 0-1 range are clamped When the target does not manage it's own color values, ie: holds pointers to color values in memory, the values that are pointed to are overridden by the result of the conversion This makes it possible (for example) to write colors directly in to a bitmap without having to copy them over.

This call is faster than the default convertColor method and is recommended to be used in loops! Make sure to call getConverter() before staring the loop to acquire the right conversion method

sourcethe color to convert
targetholds the converted color values
converterthe method used to convert source color into target color

◆ getConverter() [1/2]

static Converter getConverter ( const BaseColor source,
const BaseColor target 
a color converter to convert source color in to target color, nullptr if no such converter exists Use this call when dealing with the same color conversion multiple times in, for example, a loop

◆ getConverter() [2/2]

Converter getConverter ( const BaseColor target) const
a color converter to convert source color in to target color, nullptr if no such converter exists Use this call when dealing with the same color conversion multiple times in, for example, a loop.

◆ getData() [1/2]

virtual const void* getData ( int  channel) const
pure virtual
channelnumber of the channel to get the data for
the data associated with the channel at the index

◆ getData() [2/2]

virtual void* getData ( int  channel)
pure virtual
channelnumber of the channel to get the data for
the data associated with the channel at the index

◆ getNumberOfChannels()

int getNumberOfChannels ( ) const
the number of channels associated with this color

◆ getValueType()

virtual rtti::TypeInfo getValueType ( ) const
pure virtual
the color value data type

Implemented in Color< T, CHANNELS >.

◆ isPointer()

virtual bool isPointer ( ) const
pure virtual
if the data contained by this color points to values in memory

Implemented in Color< T, CHANNELS >.

◆ operator!=()

bool operator!= ( const BaseColor rhs)

◆ operator==()

bool operator== ( const BaseColor rhs)

◆ size()

int size ( ) const
the total size in bytes of the color

◆ valueSize()

int valueSize ( ) const
the size of a single channel in bytes
void convert(BaseColor &target) const
RGBColor< uint8 > RGBColor8
Definition: color.h:575
RGBAColor< float > RGBAColorFloat
Definition: color.h:580