Public Attributes | List of all members
SequenceEditorGUIState Struct Reference

#include <sequenceeditorguistate.h>

Public Attributes

sequenceguiactions::SequenceActionPtr mAction = nullptr
sequenceguiclipboard::SequenceClipboardPtr mClipboard = nullptr
bool mDirty = false
bool mIsWindowFocused = false
ImVec2 mMouseDelta
ImVec2 mMousePos
ImVec2 mWindowPos
ImVec2 mWindowSize
ImVec2 mTimelineControllerPos
float mTimelineWidth
float mTotalTracksHeight
float mStepSize
float mInspectorWidth
ImVec2 mPrevWindowPos
ImVec2 mScroll
float mHorizontalResolution = 100.0f
double mMouseCursorTime
ImVec2 mCursorPos
bool mFollow = false
float mScale = 1.0f
std::string mSequenceName


Holds information about the state of the editor Shared between GUI editor and view classes

Member Data Documentation

◆ mAction

◆ mClipboard

◆ mCursorPos

ImVec2 mCursorPos

◆ mDirty

bool mDirty = false

◆ mFollow

bool mFollow = false

◆ mHorizontalResolution

float mHorizontalResolution = 100.0f

◆ mInspectorWidth

float mInspectorWidth

◆ mIsWindowFocused

bool mIsWindowFocused = false

◆ mMouseCursorTime

double mMouseCursorTime

◆ mMouseDelta

ImVec2 mMouseDelta

◆ mMousePos

ImVec2 mMousePos

◆ mPrevWindowPos

ImVec2 mPrevWindowPos

◆ mScale

float mScale = 1.0f

◆ mScroll

ImVec2 mScroll

◆ mSequenceName

std::string mSequenceName

◆ mStepSize

float mStepSize

◆ mTimelineControllerPos

ImVec2 mTimelineControllerPos

◆ mTimelineWidth

float mTimelineWidth

◆ mTotalTracksHeight

float mTotalTracksHeight

◆ mWindowPos

ImVec2 mWindowPos

◆ mWindowSize

ImVec2 mWindowSize