Public Types | Public Member Functions | List of all members
BitmapFileBuffer Class Referencefinal

#include <bitmapfilebuffer.h>

Public Types

enum  EImageFileFormat : int { PNG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP }

Public Member Functions

 BitmapFileBuffer ()
 BitmapFileBuffer (const Bitmap &bitmap, bool copyData)
 BitmapFileBuffer (const SurfaceDescriptor &surfaceDescriptor, const void *data, bool copyData)
 BitmapFileBuffer (const SurfaceDescriptor &surfaceDescriptor)
 ~BitmapFileBuffer ()
 BitmapFileBuffer (const BitmapFileBuffer &rhs)=delete
BitmapFileBufferoperator= (const BitmapFileBuffer &rhs)=delete
 BitmapFileBuffer (BitmapFileBuffer &&rhs)=delete
BitmapFileBufferoperator= (BitmapFileBuffer &&rhs)=delete
bool load (const std::string &path, SurfaceDescriptor &outSurfaceDescriptor, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
bool save (const std::string &path, utility::ErrorState &errorState)
void * getData ()
void * getHandle ()


Bitmap extension class that encodes/decodes image data for writing to/reading from disk.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EImageFileFormat

enum EImageFileFormat : int

All supported output extensions


Portable Network Graphics (*.PNG)


Independent JPEG Group (*.JPG, *.JIF, *.JPEG, *.JPE)


Tagged Image File Format (*.TIF, *.TIFF)


Windows or OS/2 Bitmap File (*.BMP)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BitmapFileBuffer() [1/6]

Creates an empty bitmap file buffer

◆ BitmapFileBuffer() [2/6]

BitmapFileBuffer ( const Bitmap bitmap,
bool  copyData 

Creates a bitmap file buffer from a bitmap

bitmapthe source bitmap
copyDataif true, allocates an additional file buffer to copy the bitmap data to, else wraps the image data

◆ BitmapFileBuffer() [3/6]

BitmapFileBuffer ( const SurfaceDescriptor surfaceDescriptor,
const void *  data,
bool  copyData 

Creates a bitmap file buffer from a bitmap

surfaceDescriptorthe surface descriptor used to allocate the file buffer
dataa pointer to the raw bitmap data
copyDataif true, allocates an additional file buffer to copy the bitmap data to, else wraps the image data

◆ BitmapFileBuffer() [4/6]

BitmapFileBuffer ( const SurfaceDescriptor surfaceDescriptor)

Creates a bitmap file buffer from a surface descriptor

surfaceDescriptorthe surface descriptor used to allocate the file buffer

◆ ~BitmapFileBuffer()

Unloads the internal bitmap handle

◆ BitmapFileBuffer() [5/6]

BitmapFileBuffer ( const BitmapFileBuffer rhs)

BitmapFileBuffer cannot be copied

◆ BitmapFileBuffer() [6/6]

BitmapFileBuffer ( BitmapFileBuffer &&  rhs)

BitmapFileBuffer cannot be moved

Member Function Documentation

◆ getData()

void* getData ( )

Returns a pointer to the internal pixel data

a pointer to the internal pixel data

◆ getHandle()

void* getHandle ( )

Returns a handle to the FreeImage bitmap. This comprises the FreeImage info header and pixel data Cast to a FIBITMAP pointer as follows:

FIBITMAP* fi_bitmap = reinterpret_cast<FIBITMAP*>(bitmap_file_buffer.getHandle());
a handle to the FreeImage bitmap

◆ load()

bool load ( const std::string &  path,
SurfaceDescriptor outSurfaceDescriptor,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Loads an image from disk and creates the bitmap file buffer

paththe path to the image on disk to load
outSurfaceDescriptorthe surface descriptor containing information about the image
errorStatecontains the error if the image could not be loaded from disk

◆ operator=() [1/2]

BitmapFileBuffer& operator= ( BitmapFileBuffer &&  rhs)

◆ operator=() [2/2]

BitmapFileBuffer& operator= ( const BitmapFileBuffer rhs)

◆ save()

bool save ( const std::string &  path,
utility::ErrorState errorState 

Writes this bitmap to the given location on disk with the specified image format

paththe path including filename and image extension of the output file e.g. "targetFolder/MyOutputFile.png"
errorStatecontains the error if the image could not be saved to disk