Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
nap::audio Namespace Reference


class  AsyncObserver
class  AudioBufferResource
class  AudioComponentBase
class  AudioComponentBaseInstance
class  AudioFileResource
class  AudioInputComponent
class  AudioInputComponentInstance
class  AudioService
class  BufferPlayerNode
class  ControlNode
class  Delay
class  DeletionQueue
class  DirtyFlag
class  EqualPowerTranslator
class  FilterNode
class  GainNode
class  IMultiChannelInput
class  IMultiChannelOutput
class  InputNode
class  InputPin
class  InputPinBase
class  LevelMeterComponent
class  LevelMeterComponentInstance
class  LevelMeterNode
class  LinearSmoothedValue
class  MixNode
class  MultiAudioFileResource
class  MultiInputPin
class  MultiplyNode
class  MultiSampleBuffer
class  MultiSampleBufferPlayerNode
class  Node
class  NodeManager
class  OutputComponent
class  OutputComponentInstance
class  OutputNode
class  OutputPin
class  ParentProcess
class  PlaybackComponent
class  PlaybackComponentInstance
class  PortAudioService
class  PortAudioServiceConfiguration
class  Process
class  PullNode
class  RampedValue
class  SafeOwner
class  SafeOwnerBase
class  SafePtr
class  SafePtrBase
class  SequencePlayerAudioOutputComponent
class  SequencePlayerAudioOutputComponentInstance
class  StereoPannerNode
class  TableTranslator
class  Translator
class  VideoAudioComponent
class  VideoAudioComponentInstance
class  VideoNode


using SampleValue = float
using SampleBuffer = std::vector< SampleValue >
using ControllerValue = float
using TimeValue = float
using DiscreteTimeValue = nap::uint64


enum  RampMode { Linear, Exponential }


bool NAPAPI readAudioFile (const std::string &fileName, MultiSampleBuffer &output, float &outSampleRate, nap::utility::ErrorState &errorState)
unsigned int wrap (unsigned int index, unsigned int bufferSize)
template<typename T >
lerp (const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &t)
template<typename T >
void equalPowerPan (const T &panning, T &left, T &right)
float mtof (float pitch)
float toDB (float amplitude)
float dbToA (float db, float zero=-48)

Typedef Documentation

◆ ControllerValue

using ControllerValue = float

Value of control parameter Change this to double to build with double precision sample calculation

◆ DiscreteTimeValue

Time value in samples

◆ SampleBuffer

using SampleBuffer = std::vector<SampleValue>

A buffer of samples

◆ SampleValue

using SampleValue = float

Value of a single audio sample Change this to double to build with double precision sample calculation

◆ TimeValue

using TimeValue = float

Time value in milliseconds

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ RampMode

enum RampMode

Mode to calculate a ramp from one value to another in a certain amount of steps


Function Documentation

◆ dbToA()

float nap::audio::dbToA ( float  db,
float  zero = -48 

Convert decibel value to amplitude.

dbin dB.
zerospecifies the lowest possible dB input value, which will result in a zero return value.
amplitude scaling factor.

◆ equalPowerPan()

void nap::audio::equalPowerPan ( const T &  panning,
T &  left,
T &  right 

Stereo equal power panning function.

panningvalue between 0 and 1.0, 0 meaning far left, 0.5 center and 1.0 far right.
leftleft channel gain will be stored in this variable
rightright channel gain will be stored in this variable

◆ lerp()

T nap::audio::lerp ( const T &  v0,
const T &  v1,
const T &  t 

Linear interpolation between two values.

v0start value of the interpolation which is returned when t = 0
v1end value of the interpolation which is returned when t = 1.
tvalue between 0 and zero
the result of the interpolation

◆ mtof()

float nap::audio::mtof ( float  pitch)

Convert a midi notenumber format pitch (floating point for microtonal precision) to a frequency in Herz.

pitchin semitones. A pitch of 57 equals 220Hz.
frequency in Hz.

◆ readAudioFile()

bool NAPAPI nap::audio::readAudioFile ( const std::string &  fileName,
MultiSampleBuffer output,
float &  outSampleRate,
nap::utility::ErrorState errorState 

Utility to read an audio file from disk

fileNamethe absolute path to the file
outputthe buffer to read the file into
outSampleRatesample rate of the audio file
errorStatecontains the error when reading fails
true on success

◆ toDB()

float nap::audio::toDB ( float  amplitude)

Convert amplitude to decibel value.

amplitudeAmplitude scaling factor. A value of 1.0 results in 0dB.
intensity in dB.

◆ wrap()

unsigned int nap::audio::wrap ( unsigned int  index,
unsigned int  bufferSize 

Wraps index value within the range of a buffer size.

indexvalue to be wrapped
bufferSizesize to be wrapped within, needs to be a power of two!